Necessity is the mother of invention

What started as a necessity due to my own personal struggle has evolved into an effort to help you make your experience more comfortable in any small way that we can.

My story starts with many years of routine mammograms with nothing more than keeping an eye on a tiny "calcium deposit". When a routine doctors visit lead to some sage advice "if you were my wife I would have this looked at more closely", I reluctantly scheduled an appointment with a specialist. I nonchalantly arrived at the designated time, completed the biopsy and went about my normal routine. A few days later came the call that changed my life forever, specifically when the word "cancer" was uttered by my doctor.

Early in the succession of lumpectomies, a bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstructions with the ensuing touch ups, the "necessity" kicked in. While at the hospital the nurses pinned the drains to my gown, causing difficulty rolling over, using the washroom, and generally navigating the hallways on nurse aided strolls. The real fun began when sent home with two pair of fishnet underwear and guidance on how to use them to hold the drains during showering.

After recovering from that first surgery, I became convinced that there had to be a better way to deal with the drains both at the hospital and when returning home. I had several different ideas before settling on the Recovery Belt due to it's simplicity. I was consumed by trying to reduce the suffering of the multitude of others how would be suffering the same as I did.

Once the prototypes were made, we formed a relationship with A Women's Place Boutique @ Northside Hospital in Metro Atlanta. We are grateful to them for allowing us to get our product to those in need. But we want to reach more people by expanding the effort to the internet hopefully allowing us to do the "Little things that make a BIG difference."

Sue Lippert

Recovery Belt Locations!

Recovery Belts can be purchased on this website or Amazon (coming soon).

Recovery Belts are sold at "A Womens Place" inside Northside Hospital,1000 Johnson Ferry Road NE Atlanta, GA 30342 - (404) 845-5125.

Recovery Belts are supplied to thousands of breast cancer patients at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

Related Links
  • Testimonials
  • Drains w/Breast Surgery
  • Breast Cancer Support
  • Wikipedia Surgical Drains
  • We Support the Cure

    For every belt sold we will donate a portion of our profit to support a cure for Breast Cancer to: Susan G Komen for the Cure

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